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Burn Care

When a burn occurs, it is extremely important not to use improvised solutions or remedies. Having a well-stocked first aid kit to treat and care for burns is always the best option. The severity of a burn is characterized by how deeply into the skin the burn has penetrated:

1. A first degree burn is characterized by injury to the epidermis (the skin surface)

2. A second degree burn is deeper, exceeding the epidermis and reaching the endoderm

3. A third degree burn completely destroys the skin. Muscles may show through

If the burn occurs in a work environment, if the burn affects a large area of the body, or if the burn has potentially reached the second degree or more, you may use WaterJel dressings to stop the destruction of the skin and the burn sensation. A doctor should be consulted as soon as possible in order to receive the appropriate burn treatment.

If it the burn is fortunately a simple first degree burn, immerse the affected body part in cold water for at least 15 minutes. This way, you will stop the burn from spreading deeper and you will minimize the amount of skin damage. Instant cold packs may also be used, by following their instructions. You can also use the CoolJel gel by applying it on the burn or on a clean bandage.

Sylprotec offers the following products for burn care:

Sylprotec would like to remind its customers that homemade or improvised burn remedies, such as the application of butter, cream or other substances should be avoided. The fundamental reason is that, if your condition requires hospitalization, the doctor will need to remove the applied ointment to treat the wound. If the ointment used is not water soluble, the doctor will have to scrape the wound to remove the ointment, which will cause more pain and might slow the healing of the wound. For this reason, all the burn care products offered by Sylprotec are water soluble.

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  • Name of the product: First aid kit