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Magnehelic differential pressure gauge to swiftly indicate positive, negative or differential pressure. This tool comes with rubber tubing 3/16 in diameter X 10 ft length as well as mounting and sealing accessories. The display features a dual scale from 0 to 0.5 inches of water (inWC) and 0 to 120 Pascals. The pressure gauge can be used to measure the positive, negative and differential pressure with a high accuracy within 2% of full scale. Sold individually.
This pressure gauge is generally used on major sites of asbestos abatement and decontamination to avoid the spread of dust arising from asbestos or materials containing asbestos outside the premises. With such a tool, one can confirm that the work site is under negative pressure, thus ensuring that all dust will remain inside the contaminated premises until filtered.
The pressure gage should be installed outside the contaminated site near the employee entrance. Using a flexible tube, a gage reading will be taken inside the site and compared to the reading outside the site.
Please note that we did get calls concerning the measurement scale in inches of water (in WC) rather than kPa (kilopascal). We have collected a few answers on that particular issue:
- Inches of water (inWC) unit of measurement is actually more precise than the kPa unit of pressure.
- No variation would be visible with a device graduated in kPa.
Operating principle during abatement and decontamination
Data sheet
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